Social Distancing-Friendly Activities: Fun Things To Do When The Apocalypse Is Nigh

If you’re just looking for a list of fun things to do during this time, feel free to ignore my little blurb about why I’m stressed, why fun is important, and why we should get weird with it!

Okay everyone, let me start by saying… I’M STRESSED! I’m at home and I’m healthy, and I realize just how lucky I am to be able to say those things. But I think it’s important that we allow ourselves to acknowledge the duality of our situation.  Even though so many of us are home and healthy, these are still stressful, scary, confusing times right now and we’re all trying to figure out how to deal with it.

I live in Washington State, which up until recently was the center of the pandemic in the U.S., so I’ve been quarantined for… almost a month to the day! At first it wasn’t too big of a deal, I got to stay up late and sleep in. Then the news started escalating and along with it, my anxiety levels. I found myself with a pretty consistent undercurrent of worry and distress. Then one day I had an epiphany. Scrolling Pinterest (like a good millennial) I was looking for positive affirmations to find my inner Zen. But I came across a pretty common ideology: never forget to have fun where you are. My stressed quarantined brain paused…Fun? Honestly, it felt like I had forgotten the concept existed. With the world and media showing me so much darkness and chaos, my main source of escape was to dive headfirst into my work. Maybe because that seemed like the quickest escape, but also because having “fun” amidst so much darkness kind of felt wrong.

Here’s the thing though, so many of us that are doing everything we can as civilians to help out. We’re trying to keep ourselves safe through self-isolation and social distancing, we’re practicing good hygiene, we’re helping our family and friends, and listening to reputable news sources when we have the mental space for it. But that’s all we really can do. We expect so much of ourselves, and that level of expectation only seems to increase under heighten circumstances. This often leads us to become critical of ourselves when really, what we need is to be gentle and accepting. The reality is this is a really heavy time for a lot of us. And that burden is too much to bear 24/7. We have to find ways to mentally put down the load. We are all human, and we have to start letting ourselves be human.

From this realization, I began writing extensive lists. The first is a list of “should-do”, which is a more psychology driven list. It basically consists smart things to do so you don’t exacerbate your stress or come out of this (because we WILL come out of this) with some nasty habits to kick. The second is the “want to” list, which are just fun, random, obscure activities to try when you just need that mental space to not be worried! Being creative during a time of high stress is super hard, especially when the goal of that creativity is to find ways to relax, so hopefully I’ve done that for you. As a society, we are always talking about how we wish we had more down time; and although we all wish it were happening under different circumstances, here it is.  Be well my friends, and let’s get weird with it.


1. Try to keep a normal schedule. Basically, when working from home we lack the external signals that push us into the next activity/task. We have to create those signals for ourselves now. It can be so nice to be able to stay up late, and wake up late, and spend copious amounts of time on our phones, but… it gets old fast and it takes a toll on your overall mood. I ended up one day getting super tired of feeling sluggish and keeping odd hours. I sat down and wrote myself a new daily schedule based on how my days would have normally gone. Honestly, though I was tired at the end of the day, it felt good. Like really good. Lesson learned: you need to give yourself a sense of daily purpose. That’s your new job now.

2. Don’t overdo it with the screen time. Before all this madness started happening, we all heard about the studies linking excessive screen time to depression and anxiety. I highly recommend giving yourself a limit on the amount of time you spend with your phone daily. Download an app that can help you keep track of how much time you actually spend on it, can be super helpful. I did, and I was kind of shocked with how many hours a day I was losing just staring at that screen. Ultimately though, it helped me realize where my time was going, and then I got to decide if that was what I wanted.

3. Go on a media-diet. It is so easy right now to sit and listen/read/watch each and every news story on the pandemic. And maybe for some that makes you feel more in control, if it does, more power to ya! If you’re like me and it immediately tightens your chest and makes you antsy, I suggest going on a media-diet. Our mental health is super effected by the media we take in, so setting a limit (once a day, every other day) on the amount of times you check in with the news can be really beneficial. Whatever you have the emotional space for, do that. Also respect your own boundaries. Everyone copes differently and sometimes others (*cough cough, my parents*) won’t understand what you need to do to cope. But that’s okay. It’s your brain, it’s your mental health, and it’s your life. Be respectful of others, but always do what you need to do for you.

4. Have a Confidante. If you’re spending a lot of time with your family because school is cancelled or you have to work from home or whatever, it can be really helpful to have someone outside of that situation whom you can turn to. Even if you and whoever you live with are super tight, spending increased amounts of time together, in a confined space, for an undetermined length of time, in a freaking pandemic, is uh… yeah, it’s stressful! Having someone who is able to put things in perspective for you, or just be a listening ear so you don’t have to carry that weight alone is so important and so freeing.

5. Move ya body! Due to the fact that we’re not jumping in our cars, or busses, or walking to campus, or bicycling to work, our bodies are moving significantly less. Which has so many effects on our well-being physically and mentally. Not only can it make you physically tired, but it decreases your opportunity to release your happiness hormones that would normally be released by simple physical movements like walking! Thus, it’s important that we find time to compensate for that deficit. Work-out at home, take up running, get a pedometer and set a goal for yourself based off of how much we should be walking a day (because goodness knows I have no clue how many steps I normally would take a day. Thus, I’ll use the internet’s estimate.) Do squats in front of the microwave, lunges to the kitchen, honestly whatever works. If those things make you feel weird or uncomfortable then maybe find a specific time in the day when you can dedicate your focus to be in your body rather than in your head.


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1. Netflix Party. Sync your Netflix with your friends, family, neighbors’ dogs, whoever and watch movies/TV shows together. You could even make it a throwback pajama party (oh my childhood)!

2. Marie Kondo your LIFE. You know that book about “keep what sparks joy, let go of what doesn’t.” I recently did this to my room and looooooved it! I highly recommend undertaking this adventure, it helps you feel accomplished, it keeps your mind occupied, and it kinda puts your life and goals in perspective. (the book is called the life-changing magic of tidying up, by Marie Kondo).

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3. Tell Ghost Stories. Just because we can’t go out and sit around a fire with friends doesn’t mean we should stop telling and creating stories. Any kind of story. I just happen to find amusement in being creeped out… in a good way?

4. Crack open a book! Please take up the lost art of reading for fun.

5. Make a Vision Board. A vision board is the love child of scrapbooking and goal setting. Look up some images, think about your future goals and go for it. It’s really satisfying.

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6. Make a list of everything you’re going to do when this is done. Who is the first person you’re going to hug? Are you going to have a party? (or celebrate an extremely belated birthday like me) Who are you going to hang out with and what are you going to do? Are you going to travel? I think we’re all coming to terms with how important human connection is, and that maybe we missed out or took somethings for granted. So, when we’re free again, how are you going to spend it?

7. Take a bubble bath. This does not need an explanation.

8. Meditate. For real, download a guided meditation app and find your inner space of calm. Lots of meditation apps (like Headspace for instance) are giving discounts, free trails, for free access to meditation packs about how to cope with times like these. Also, lots of music platforms (like Spotify) have guided meditation sessions. I started meditating roughly 4 years ago, it has changed and continues to change my life. They’re so wise!!


9. Yoga. Find a YouTube tutorial, do some old stretches you learned, look up specific stretches if there’s a particular part of your body that could use some loosening (don’t overdo and hurt yourself though. Listen to your body.) A little bit goes a long way

10. Online shopping. I mean… ya can’t go to the store now! And it’s really nice to receive a package! Just be hygienic about touching boxes when your goodies arrive.


11. Draw. Fun fact drawing can be a form of meditation. Look up “Zen tangles”, they’re patterns you can learn to draw that look AMAZING when done and the repetitive strokes help your brain take a break.

12. Game night! If you live with roommates break out the games! Make it a special event, as kids we used to love this stuff, why did we stop?? If you don’t live with someone but still have board games, video chat someone and play with them! Games like Never have I ever, and Taboo might be the easiest to play virtually.

13. Learn Origami. Or take up some sort of crafty mentally engaging hobby!

14. Give yourself a manicure/ pedicure.

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15. Watch your favorite childhood movies. The nostalgia! The jokes that you GET now! It’ll help remind you of how big your life is. May I suggest Emperor’s New Groove, this movie aged well! Or the first SpongeBob SquarePants’s movie. Also, because F is for Friends who do stuff together, sync/videocall your friends while watching.

16. Cook! If there was ever a time to learn how to bake, cook, make smoothies, this is it. Plus, comfort food? Always a good idea.

17. Take up running. Never thought I’d be one of those people who runs… but it’s actually nice to get your body moving like that, they were built for it.

18. Movie night. Throw on a DVD, and chill with your fam. Bonus points if you have a projector (I ordered one just for this occasion.)

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19. Host a Comedy Night. We all have some funny/bizarre stories. Write it down, have a friend write theirs down and perform! (Oh, like you haven’t pretended to be a comedian before.)

20. Gratitude Journal. Starting a gratitude journal has been shown by a bunch of studies to improve mood and overall life perspective. Find a certain time of day and start with three things you are grateful for. They don’t have to be huge; it could be something like I’m grateful to put on warm socks when they come out of the dryer (which is one of the best feelings ever!)

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21. Take up witchcraft… or just reread Harry Potter.

22. Skype/Zoom Dates with your Besties. Ya know what’s nice? Human contact. Set up calls to keep in touch with your people and build your sense of connectedness.

23. Choreograph a dance. I am thisfar from downloading Tik Tok and making my sister learn dances with me.

24. Download a dating app out of sheer blinding boredom.

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25. Go for a walk. If it’s safe, remember 6 feet or one Leonardo DiCaprio apart.

26. Go for a drive. If you have a car… obviously.

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27. Write letters to your friends. My friend recently mailed me a postcard, which I think is so cute! Texting is awesome, but seeing someone’s handwriting, adding stickers or drawings, or riddles… maybe I’m old fashion but I love this idea.

28. Get up early and watch the sunrise. If you know a quiet spot away from people where you can see the sunrise, do it! That honestly sounds magical right now.


29. Go stargazing. You don’t even have to leave your yard if you don’t want to. Got a telescope? Binoculars? 20/20 vision or glasses? Go look at the stars. Let’s remember how big the universe is, how small we are, but how we’re all here on this planet, looking at the same stars everyone who has come before us has seen. There’s a real sense of connectedness in the sky.

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30. Complete a Goal. However big or small, start that goal you’ve had in the back of your mind this whole time. Give yourself the room and permission to be creative!

31. Make Dreamcatchers. It is truly an art! Even if you just have a hula hoop and some yarn, get crafty.

32. Exercise! Download an app, restart a routine you once had, start an online dance tutorial. Bonus points if you get a virtual online exercise buddy to keep you accountable. Can we just take a moment to acknowledge how good it would feel to come out of this, and have abs or poppin’ calf muscles? Like yeah, I’m kind of an athlete now.

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33. Play videogames. Again… no explanation needed.

34. Plan your dream vacation. And figure out how to take it once this is all over, because we’ll definitely deserve one!

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35. Start a Side Hustle. You got some extra free time? (as if I have to ask.) Find a way to make it work for you online!

36. Catch up on Sleep. It is estimated that it takes 2 weeks to catch up from sleep deprivation.

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37. Face Masks! I don’t know about y’all, but I aim to come out of this with glowing skin… once the stress acne clears 😉

38. Start a virtual book club. If you’re a nerd like me, grab your fellow nerds (virtually), and find books you can read so you can sit down and have an academic discussion about. *adjusts fake reading glasses*

39. Write a 5-year plan. We have big dreams, and although it can feel like time is slipping by (especially when you can’t leave the house), looking at the big picture or slightly into the future can be helpful! Taking the time to plan how you’re going to get where you want to be, DESPITE these circumstances comforts the skittles out of me!

40. Make funny videos. Even if you just make yourself laugh, it’s 100% worth it.

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41. Reenact movie scenes with your roommates. I have been seriously considering, recreating the bike scene from E.T. with my sister… I just need a bigger basket.

42. Learn a Language. Or start/refresh a language.

43. Have a New Movie Showing. Look for a list of new movies and TV shows premiering on Netflix/ Hulu/ Amazon/ Disney+/ whatever! Put it in your calendar and plan on having a new movie showing.

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44. Get Some Sun. Open your curtains, window, go outside, etc. It does wonders for your mental state.

45. Eat Fresh Fruit.

46. Foster an Animal. This might be out of reach for most, but if you can have ability and want to foster an animal, consider it! Animal shelters are struggling to care for their pets, also having a pet does wonders for one’s mental health.

47. Build a Fort. We’re adults… but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make forts like when we were kids. It means we can make even BETTER forts than when we were kids!

48. Nerf Fight. If you live with roommates, break out the Nerf guns you got in junior high, and go bananas.

49. Have “Brinner”. Breakfast for dinner? Waffles, pancakes, omelets? 100% on board for this.

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50. Listen to your Body. What would make you feel better right now? Take away all expectations, all tasks, give yourself a moment to breath. Now honestly, what could you do right now to make yourself feel better? Do that.

Gabrielle Fox