Groups plan to hold Joe Biden Accountable for his Campaign Promises


ABC News

Just recently, people across the country felt a bit of relief when they found out that Donald Trump would have to pack his bags and leave the White House. All around the country people took to the streets to celebrate President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris. This day signaled hope for many. However, many groups and movements know that this accomplishment is just the beginning. What comes after the election is what is really crucial, and when we’ll see whether or not elected officials will live up to their promises. 

An advocacy group, Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund sent an email to their supporters the day Biden and Harris won that said, “Today, we celebrate. Tomorrow, we get back to work.” Andy Mara, the executive director also said, “We face a long road ahead towards achieving the equity and justice that transgender people and our families nationwide have been denied.” TLDEF’s major projects include achieving equality through public education, test-case litigation, direct legal services, and public policy efforts. In addition, TLDEF’s Name Change Project provides pro bono legal name change services to low-income transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary people. 

Another group called Equality Federation also emphasized the importance of holding President-Elect Biden accountable for the promises that he made to the LGBTQ+ community when he ran for president. The Equality Federation partners with state-based organizations to advocate for LGBTQ people by collaborating on critical issues that affect how LGBTQ people experience the world. In a press-release, executive director Rebecca Issacs stated, “Still, we will need to hold President-Elect Biden accountable for the promises he made to the LGBTQ community. The promise to pass the Equality Act to update federal law to include nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ Americans in key areas of life including employment, housing, education, and public spaces. The promise to reverse the transgender military ban. The promise to combat the epidemic of violence against transgender women of color. We need him to keep all of these promises to the LGBTQ community and others.” Issacs concludes the press release by emphasizing the urgency in these efforts. 

A youth movement to stop climate change called The Sunrise Movement heavily organized during this election cycle. Among the demands they have for President-Elect Joe Biden is their “Climate Cabinet Criteria” that includes: No ties to fossil fuel companies, or corporate lobbyists; Collectively, the Cabinet should be representative of America; Fights with the urgency that the climate crisis demands. The Sunrise Movement co-founder and executive director Varshini Prakash says that she’s already disappointed due to Biden’s pick of Rep. Cedric Richmond of Louisiana as a senior adviser. Richmond was a former head of the Congressional Black Caucus and has received campaign funds from fossil fuel companies. Detailed on The Sunrise Movement’s website is another action step that calls for Biden to establish The Office of Climate Mobilization. This position will convene and coordinate across the President’s cabinet agencies and hold every federal department accountable to the national project of ending climate change. Essentially, this is simply asking Joe Biden to appoint a qualified leader who is dedicated and trusted by the climate and environmental justice community.  

These three advocacy groups are just among many who are ready to challenge this next administration in the White House. Youth voter turnout, more specifically among youth of color, were essential in this election. Youth are demanding change and want to take control for their future. This election was crucial for this country and now that it’s over, the hard work is just beginning. With a new change in power comes uncertainty, hope, and the willingness to listen to the people.

Kayla Butler